A trippy movie was released in 1982 under the name of Tron. It was one of the first movies with large scale computer generated graphics which was quite an accomplishment back then.
IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes | Wikipedia | Wiki | Free Viewing | TPB | Amazon | Facebook | Myspace
Since 1982 the Tron front has been rather quiet except for the creation of the Tron game untill now.
A rabbit hole has opened up in the void that some of the most hardcore fans have discovered.
The following is a chronology of the Tron Alternate Reality Game called Flynn Lives. What you see here is not complete. However, it will keep changing as more clues are found.
7.21.09 03:21:00 PM
Two pictures, a .gif and a .jpeg, are loaded onto a site called comingsoon.net. The .jpeg was of a Tron game token and the .gif was scrolling html code. It is presumed that the coin was sent to several people around the country along with a flashdrive that contained the .gif. A person registered to the unfiction forums named Wireless found this on comingsoon.net and decoded it by 03:36:00 PM. The message read FlynnLives.com. FlynnLives.com is the rabbit hole. It has also been hinted that HomeOfTron.com is also an active site.
7.21.09 03:45:00 PM
At the bottom FlynnLives. com there is a bouncing spider. A link is encoded into this spyder that leads to a clock that has a countdown timer that will play out on 7.23.09 late in the evening.
7.21.09 05:01:00 PM
An address is found in the terms of use at FlynnLives.com
Copyright Agent
c/o Flynn Lives Organization
PO Box # 236
611 K Street #B
San Diego, CA 92101
E-Mail: copyrightagentSPLATflynnlives.com
It is presumed that this is the address that ARGers need to be at when the clock hits 0. This address is across the street from ComicCon.
7:23:09 10:26:00 PM
Disney reveals concept artwork and a Teaser Trailer for the new film. This information is posted on slashfilm.com here
7:23:09 11:16:00 PM
mr.judkins on the unfiction forums says "So we went around the city and found Flynn Lives posters and used the blacklight to find coordinates and a new map to Flynn's Arcade!" and "Currently waiting for them to open up and let us into Flynn's Arcade - awesome!"
7:23:09 11:38:00 PM
These videos of Flynn's Arcade is posted on YouTube by davecobb
The Opening of Flynn's Arcade
Inside Flynn's Arcade
Flynn's Secret Backroom
07.24.09 01:24:00 PM
All 5 codes were hidden in the Flynn's arcade video games that were required to open the official trailer are unlocked
3XB772M | 79XY33A | TP288FZ | ZZ49B3X | C2CMF9X
Official Trailer
This is where I entered the game when a friend tipped me off to it on Facebook
07.24.09 02:32:00 PM
A picture was assembled from pictures found on the Flynn Lives site
07:25:09 05:16:00 PM
The Flynn Lives site is updated with this >
07:25:09 06:05:00 PM
A black image under Flynn's image is found. It is labeled findoutmore.jpg. No one seems to know what this clue means.
07.25.09 6:25:00 PM
A new place of interest is found on the Flynn Lives site by chippy on the Unfiction Forums.
A question and answer page
07.25.09 6:27:00 PM
5 News Articles are found on the Flynn Lives site.
Who's the most Amazing
Game Over
Dead or In Love
Diversification Trumps Innovation at Encom
Will Encom Weather the Financial Storm
chippy posts this about the Dead or In Love Article "says that the #1 place to dissapear, the place for us to find flynn is Papua New Guinea."
"To me Papua New Guinea equals PNG, which a few of you may recognise as an image file format .png Ive tried a few but for sure not all URL's of all images, so far with no joy."
07.26.09 11:03:00 AM
This twitter account is found for Flynn Lives by enaxor
However chippy says "unsure as to officialness here too. Flynnlives twitter account as it was created today"
07.30.09 6:59:00 AM
I believe that there are some clues in the below text found on Flynn Lives. However, I haven't found any leads
1989 -- Kevin Flynn alleged to "disappear." Initial facts raise many questions. Many of us were suspicious.
1990 -- Sightings of Kevin Flynn by ordinary citizens, including high-credibility "Level 3" sightings of Flynn in NYC's Central Park during a Shakespeare Festival, on the fringes of a San Francisco street fair, and the notorious "Elvira" sighting of Kevin Flynn at Halloween celebrations in West Hollywood, California. Unfortunately, these initial sightings display certain characteristics true to this day -- nothing has been confirmed and photographic evidence has been lacking.
1992 -- Sightings continue. Several of us make contact thru Usenet and begin correspondence.
1994 -- First Flynn Lives! meet-up in Dayton, Ohio. We resolve to continue our efforts to find out the facts behind the mysterious disappearance.
1998 -- Letter from Kevin Flynn to a founding member of the group gains media attention, then debunked. Founding member (now ex-member) checks into a mental hospital for observations.
2001 -- A $5,000 award is offered to anybody who can prove Kevin Flynn is alive. By December 31st, alas, nobody had satisfied our jury and the money was spent on a great party for all of the "Troniacs" we know and love!
2002 - 2005 An era of low visibility for our group. Sightings drop off, and interest seems to slacken. Thank heavens that is over!
2007 - Interest picks up as the "Albino Cow" Flynn sighting in southern New Jersey energizes a new generation of activists.
I believe that the 2007 post has something to do with something. However that something is a hunch.
This is the end of leads for Flynn Lives. If you find anything else please contact me.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Flynn Lives
42 Entertainment,
Alternate Reality Game,
Flynn Lives,
Rotten Tomatoes,
Friday, July 24, 2009
\w/ MAYHEM \w/
Dear Peoples,
I want you to imagine 4 guys who just got out of high school and are trying to express themselves with really loud rock. Now age those guys about 10 years, sell there souls to the devil, dress them like the soldiers of Satan, throw in more speakers, amps, and subs than would fit in a high school gymnasium, and surround them with raging crazy fans that start moshing as soon as the first chord is struck and you have a limited view of what a Metal Concert is. Now extend that to about 12 hours, get 12 more bands, add crazy amounts of caffeine, booze, and rage and you have a glimpse of what the ROCKSTAR MAYHEM FEST is. If you are offended by Satan please leave. Now.
Ok, now that they're gone I can talk about my love for kittens. JUST KIDDING. Anyway, If you were at Mayhem this year I commend you. If you were not. Here is the lineup for who was at Mayhem.
White Chapel
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | iTunes
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | iTunes | TPB
The Black Dahlia Murder
Website | Store | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | iTunes | TPB
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
God Forbid
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | iTunes | TPB
Job For A Cowboy
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
All That Remains
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
Website | Fanclub | Store | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
Cannibal Corpse
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
Bullet For My Valentine
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
Killswitch Engage
Website | Fanclub | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes
Marilyn Manson
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
Website | Wikipedia | Myspace | Facebook | Youtube | iTunes | TPB
That's all 13 bands that were at Mayhem. There was a locas band in the line up in St. Louis but I didn't mosh to them so I don't really remember who they were. Feel free to click on the text bars under the bands and explore their universe. If you arrrre going to use TPB please buy a t-shirt or go to a show. How can your favorite band tour they have no money?
When I was at Mayhem I had a ĵ(|{1n9 blast. I also remembered to record some video and take some pictures with my phone. Here is the resulting video.
I know the video is choppy and out of focus but a 1 dollar phone that came from a ATT plan took it. So all things considered it came out pretty good. Using your phone as a camera is really the only way to take video of a pit. I have a nice 10 MP camera that I use for most things but I didn't bring it to Mayhem because I would have been destroyed 2 seconds into Job for a Cowboy.
In order to get your $h177¥ phone transfer pictures and video to your phone you just need to buy a Mini SD Card. I bought my Mini SD at the chain office supply store where I work but you can get it online for $12.99 at Tiger Direct. Then just jack the card into your phone. Use your settings to change where the camera saves your videos and Pictures to the Mini SD and your set. Snap and Shoot away. When you're ready to put them on your computer just take the card out of your phone and put it in the SD adapter. The put that adapter into your computer and start transfering. Most phone cameras shoot in .jpeg format but they record video in .3gpp. Most video editing software is not prepared for .3gpp. In order to get your videos on to Youtube, Blogger, or The Underground City (
A good friend of mine created the videos below. They are taken with a real camera and thus are ĵ(|{1n9 awesome.
This is video that my good friend found of a B Stage pit early in the day
The Renegade Rabbit
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Old World Skills
Dear Peoples,
Today I was working a 7 hour shift at the Retail Store that I am employed at. It was pretty much business as usual for most of the day: stacking boxes, working cash registers, and selling products. We are currently in the Back-to-school phase of our year so we are pretty busy. Today we had to assemble displays for more school products. During this time we had to put an obnoxious sign on top of the display. The sign was in the form of a cardboard tube that other signs attached to it. The Manager didn't know what to do because the mother ship to our satellite store hadn't given us the correct supplies to display the sign. So it was my job.
In my life I had seen many challenges like this. Not in any place I had ever been employed though. In my work experience. I was never required to do very many things that involved a brain. Where I encountered my challenges was in Boy Scouts. Throughout my experience we had to complete many puzzles. Using critical thinking skills combined with scout skills and knowledge was pretty commonplace. In Boy Scout team building exercises we had to work as a group to scale walls, cross rivers, create make-shift shelters, start fire without matches, and lash together 15' tall observation towers. When I was growing up it was a very normal occurrence to be given limited tools to complete complex tasks.
This state of mind couldn't be further from the corporate minimum wage jobs that I tend to work. When you're in a corporate satellite retail store you are not allowed to use your brain. All of your instructions are given to you and you are expected to follow them out without even the slightest question to there efficiency or purpose. You are required to use a box cutter that doesn't cut boxes that are thicker than a pencil eraser (not that I ever follow that rule). In order to get promoted in such a job you have to suck ass for long enough that the bossman notices you and gives you a promotion and a raise of pennies an hour. In such a manner the managers are usually suck up pricks that couldn't think to save there lives.
This is why I loved this situation. It was exactly what a strict follower of corporate policy couldn't do. Think. In this situation I had to stand a 4', top heavy, cardboard sign to a 5' tall plastic display that held writing implements. My boss told me to use packing tape. My boss is a flipping idiot.
I immediately went to the back of the store and grabbed a length of synthetic rope and a screw driver (both of these things are no where to be found in the employee manual). I loosened the screws on the top of the box to use as anchor points. Then I cut the rope in half using my "illegal" knife and tied each piece to the cardboard post with a clove hitch. Then I tied overhand loops near the post on all four ropes coming off the post. With the help of one of my friends at the store (the kind of guy that uses an "illegal" knife). I used the loop-double half hitch method that I learned from my Dad. Then I tightened the screws with the screwdriver and the lines were really taught. My friend and I even subjected the display to the earthquake test and it didn't fall over.
One thing can be gleaned from this experience. A world of strict corporate workers is a world of boring people who can't use there skills and minds to work and solve problems. It is incredibly important for those of us with "Old World Skills" to keep it alive. Everyone needs to learn how to tie knots, work with knives, sew, work with a compass, and camp when we are young. Without such important skills we could all become corporate drones and live our lives with out the wherewithal to think outside of the box and make our own decisions.
The Renegade Rabbit
Today I was working a 7 hour shift at the Retail Store that I am employed at. It was pretty much business as usual for most of the day: stacking boxes, working cash registers, and selling products. We are currently in the Back-to-school phase of our year so we are pretty busy. Today we had to assemble displays for more school products. During this time we had to put an obnoxious sign on top of the display. The sign was in the form of a cardboard tube that other signs attached to it. The Manager didn't know what to do because the mother ship to our satellite store hadn't given us the correct supplies to display the sign. So it was my job.
In my life I had seen many challenges like this. Not in any place I had ever been employed though. In my work experience. I was never required to do very many things that involved a brain. Where I encountered my challenges was in Boy Scouts. Throughout my experience we had to complete many puzzles. Using critical thinking skills combined with scout skills and knowledge was pretty commonplace. In Boy Scout team building exercises we had to work as a group to scale walls, cross rivers, create make-shift shelters, start fire without matches, and lash together 15' tall observation towers. When I was growing up it was a very normal occurrence to be given limited tools to complete complex tasks.
This state of mind couldn't be further from the corporate minimum wage jobs that I tend to work. When you're in a corporate satellite retail store you are not allowed to use your brain. All of your instructions are given to you and you are expected to follow them out without even the slightest question to there efficiency or purpose. You are required to use a box cutter that doesn't cut boxes that are thicker than a pencil eraser (not that I ever follow that rule). In order to get promoted in such a job you have to suck ass for long enough that the bossman notices you and gives you a promotion and a raise of pennies an hour. In such a manner the managers are usually suck up pricks that couldn't think to save there lives.
This is why I loved this situation. It was exactly what a strict follower of corporate policy couldn't do. Think. In this situation I had to stand a 4', top heavy, cardboard sign to a 5' tall plastic display that held writing implements. My boss told me to use packing tape. My boss is a flipping idiot.
I immediately went to the back of the store and grabbed a length of synthetic rope and a screw driver (both of these things are no where to be found in the employee manual). I loosened the screws on the top of the box to use as anchor points. Then I cut the rope in half using my "illegal" knife and tied each piece to the cardboard post with a clove hitch. Then I tied overhand loops near the post on all four ropes coming off the post. With the help of one of my friends at the store (the kind of guy that uses an "illegal" knife). I used the loop-double half hitch method that I learned from my Dad. Then I tightened the screws with the screwdriver and the lines were really taught. My friend and I even subjected the display to the earthquake test and it didn't fall over.
One thing can be gleaned from this experience. A world of strict corporate workers is a world of boring people who can't use there skills and minds to work and solve problems. It is incredibly important for those of us with "Old World Skills" to keep it alive. Everyone needs to learn how to tie knots, work with knives, sew, work with a compass, and camp when we are young. Without such important skills we could all become corporate drones and live our lives with out the wherewithal to think outside of the box and make our own decisions.
The Renegade Rabbit
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Battle Continues
Dear Peoples,
The battle between Pop and Soda has a long and dark history in the United States. However, what is truly interesting is the battle that goes on in the rest of the world. In the United States the primary battle is over Soda, Pop, and Coke. There are many different carbonated factions in the rest of the world.
This is the name for Ethieopian carbonated beverages. The word leslassa literally means "smooth"
The symbol above means "Air or Gas Water" which is the Chinese term to refer to Carbonated Beverages
The Japaneese call Carbonated Beverages 炭酸飲料 or Carbon Drink. Although I know what's going on it doesn't sound to appetizing.
The Bulgarians pronounce it "gazirano" and it means "Something Fizzy". Very Accurate
The Greeks call it "anapsyktika" which means refreshing. Also very accurate.
It is possible to go on for days and days with what other countries call there Carbonated Beverages. Just check it out on Wikipedia HERE if you are going to a foreign country soon.
Where Soda, Pop, and Coke come from is more of a mystery.
Soda is a French word that Americans adopted. The french still use Soda to refer to tasty drinks to this day as do many other countries such as Kenya and Denmark
Pop does not seem to have a know origin although it is very popular in Canada and England
Cola is a derivative of Coca-cola, which is one of the most widely known carbonated beverages. Coca-cola was invented by John Pemberton who had intended Coca-cola to be used as a medicine and not a drink. The original Coca-cola was manufactured with the Coca plant meaning that it had Cocaine in it. Pemberton invented the drink to get off Morphine, a drug he was hopelessly addicted to.
So in the United States 3 powers are competing for control of the Carbonated Beverage's naming rights. A french name, a Canadian name, and a name thought up by a druggy. I don't think this fight is going to end anytime soon so stay tuned.
.--. . .-. ... --- -. .- .-.. / -. --- - . ... / - .... .. ... / .-- . . -.- / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- .-.-.- / / .. .----. ...- . / --. --- - / .- / ..-. .. -. .- .-.. / .-.. .- - . .-. / - .... .. ... / .-- . . -.- / .- -. -.. / .- .-.. --- - / --- ..-. / .-- --- .-. -.- / - --- / -.. --- / .- - / -- -.-- / .--- --- -... .-.-.- / / ... --- / -- -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- .-.-.- / / .. / .- .-.. ... --- / .-- --- .-. -.- . -.. / --- ..- - / .- - / .--. -.. / - --- -.. .- -.-- .-.-.- / / .. - / .-- .- ... / ..-. ..- -. .-.-.-
The Renegade Rabbit
Carbonated Beverage,
John Pemberton,
Soft Drink,
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Gathering War
Dear Peoples,
I have been observing a war that has been slowly escalating in places where many people from different areas of the country meet. The most notorious areas of conflict are Airports and Colleges. Many lives, young and old, have been affected by this war
I am talking of course about the war between Soda and Pop
I have a large group of friends from College that are from many different places. We have internal feuds about this subject almost every week. New information has surfaced about the War in the form of this color coded map
This preticular graph is old but it was only brought up reciently by students from East Central University in Oklahoma on a web site called The Pop vs Soda Page. If you look closely at the picture the Blue Areas are Pop, the Yellow Areas are Soda, and the Red Areas are Coke. The darker the color the more people call our favorite carbonated beverate what they call it. As it is clearly seen, The Northern US is primarly made up of Pop Supporters, the Southern US is primarly made up of Coke Supporters. Soda is supported in the St. Louis Area, The Southwestern US, and the Northeastern US. Hawaii is dominated by Soda and Alaska is dominated by Pop.
The real question is why all of this controversy. The war has even lurked into kid's TV shows like Digimon in this clip found on YouTube. Although, if you are strongly for one side you can see the problem with hearing your delicious drink called the wrong name. It still remains a mystery as to why the battle has gotten so far out of control.
What is certain is that our favorite carbonated beverages hold the ultimate power in the universe. Radical things can happen if you mix it with Mentos as seen here or Pop Rocks as seen here.
Whatever may happen make sure that your carefull when you decide to name your delecious tasty beverage becouse you might start the war up again.
--- -. .- -- --- .-. . .--. . .-. ... --- -. .- .-.. -. --- - . --..-- - .... . .-.. .- ... - ..-. . .-- -.. .- -.-- ... .... .- ...- . -... . . -. .--. .-. . - - -.-- -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- .- ... ..- ... ..- .- .-.. .-.-.- .. .----. -- -.- . . .--. .. -. --. .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- -... ..- ... -.-- .-- .. - .... .-- --- .-. -.- .- -. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. .-.-.- .... --- .-- . ...- . .-. --..-- .. .... .- ...- . ..-. --- ..- -. -.. ... --- -- . - .. -- . - --- .-- --- .-. -.- --- ..- - .- -. -.. .... .- -. --. --- ..- - .-- .. - .... ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... ... --- .. - .----. ... .- .-.. .-.. --. --- --- -.. .-.-.- - .... .- -. -.- ... ..-. --- .-. .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. -- -.-- -... .-.. --- --. .- -. -.. - .... .- -. -.- ... ..-. --- .-. ..-. .. -. -.. .. -. --. - .... . - .. -- . - --- -.. . -.-. --- -.. . - .... .. ... -- . ... ... .- --. . .-.-.-
Feel free to leave any comments or questions that you have.
The Renegade Rabbit
I have been observing a war that has been slowly escalating in places where many people from different areas of the country meet. The most notorious areas of conflict are Airports and Colleges. Many lives, young and old, have been affected by this war
I am talking of course about the war between Soda and Pop
I have a large group of friends from College that are from many different places. We have internal feuds about this subject almost every week. New information has surfaced about the War in the form of this color coded map
This preticular graph is old but it was only brought up reciently by students from East Central University in Oklahoma on a web site called The Pop vs Soda Page. If you look closely at the picture the Blue Areas are Pop, the Yellow Areas are Soda, and the Red Areas are Coke. The darker the color the more people call our favorite carbonated beverate what they call it. As it is clearly seen, The Northern US is primarly made up of Pop Supporters, the Southern US is primarly made up of Coke Supporters. Soda is supported in the St. Louis Area, The Southwestern US, and the Northeastern US. Hawaii is dominated by Soda and Alaska is dominated by Pop.
The real question is why all of this controversy. The war has even lurked into kid's TV shows like Digimon in this clip found on YouTube. Although, if you are strongly for one side you can see the problem with hearing your delicious drink called the wrong name. It still remains a mystery as to why the battle has gotten so far out of control.
What is certain is that our favorite carbonated beverages hold the ultimate power in the universe. Radical things can happen if you mix it with Mentos as seen here or Pop Rocks as seen here.
Whatever may happen make sure that your carefull when you decide to name your delecious tasty beverage becouse you might start the war up again.
--- -. .- -- --- .-. . .--. . .-. ... --- -. .- .-.. -. --- - . --..-- - .... . .-.. .- ... - ..-. . .-- -.. .- -.-- ... .... .- ...- . -... . . -. .--. .-. . - - -.-- -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- .- ... ..- ... ..- .- .-.. .-.-.- .. .----. -- -.- . . .--. .. -. --. .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- -... ..- ... -.-- .-- .. - .... .-- --- .-. -.- .- -. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. .-.-.- .... --- .-- . ...- . .-. --..-- .. .... .- ...- . ..-. --- ..- -. -.. ... --- -- . - .. -- . - --- .-- --- .-. -.- --- ..- - .- -. -.. .... .- -. --. --- ..- - .-- .. - .... ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... ... --- .. - .----. ... .- .-.. .-.. --. --- --- -.. .-.-.- - .... .- -. -.- ... ..-. --- .-. .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. -- -.-- -... .-.. --- --. .- -. -.. - .... .- -. -.- ... ..-. --- .-. ..-. .. -. -.. .. -. --. - .... . - .. -- . - --- -.. . -.-. --- -.. . - .... .. ... -- . ... ... .- --. . .-.-.-
Feel free to leave any comments or questions that you have.
The Renegade Rabbit
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Google Earth Book?
Dear Peoples,
I just finished reading a new (to me) form of media. A Google Earth Book. The good people that make up 6 to Start have put together a tour of sorts where a predestined course is set through Google Earth and you read captions along the way that fill you in on the story. The book I read was called The 21 Steps. It was short, sweet and really showed off how well you can tell stories with Google Earth.
Personal News
- --- -.. .- -.-- / .. / ... .--. . -. - / - .... . / .-- .... --- .-.. . / -.. .- -.-- / .- - / ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. .-.-.- / .- / .-- .... --- .-.. . / --. --- -.. / -.. .- -- -. / .---- ---.. / .... --- ..- .-. ... / .-- --- .-. - .... .-.-.- / .. / ... .--. . -. - / -- --- ... - / --- ..-. / -- -.-- / - .. -- . / .. -. / -.-. .-. .- ...- . / -.-. --- ..-. ..-. . . / .... --- ..- ... . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / .- / --. .-. . .- - / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . / - --- / ... - .- -.-- .-.-.- / - .... . / -- .- -. .- --. . .-. / .- -. -.. / .. / .- .-. . / --- -. / ..-. .. .-. ... - / -. .- -- . / -... .- ... .. ... / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. .----. ...- . / ... .--. . -. - / .- .-.. -- --- ... - / . ...- . .-. -.-- / - ..- . ... -.. .- -.-- / .- - / -.-. .-. .- ...- . .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. .-.. .- ... ... / .-- .- ... / .-.. --- -. --. / .- -. -.. / -.-. --- -. ..-. ..- ... .. -. --. / .- ... / ..- ... ..- .- .-.. .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / --- -. / - .... . / .-.. --- --- -.- --- ..- - / ..-. --- .-. / .- / .-. .- -... -... .. - / .... --- .-.. . .-.-.- / .... --- .--. . ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .. / -.-. .- -. / ..-. .. -. -.. / --- -. . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. / . .--. .. -.-. / .--. .- ... ... . ... / -- . / -... -.-- .-.-.- / .-- . .-.. .-.. / - .... .- - .----. ... / .. - .-.-.- / ... . . / -.-- .-
The Renegade Rabbit
I just finished reading a new (to me) form of media. A Google Earth Book. The good people that make up 6 to Start have put together a tour of sorts where a predestined course is set through Google Earth and you read captions along the way that fill you in on the story. The book I read was called The 21 Steps. It was short, sweet and really showed off how well you can tell stories with Google Earth.
Personal News
- --- -.. .- -.-- / .. / ... .--. . -. - / - .... . / .-- .... --- .-.. . / -.. .- -.-- / .- - / ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. .-.-.- / .- / .-- .... --- .-.. . / --. --- -.. / -.. .- -- -. / .---- ---.. / .... --- ..- .-. ... / .-- --- .-. - .... .-.-.- / .. / ... .--. . -. - / -- --- ... - / --- ..-. / -- -.-- / - .. -- . / .. -. / -.-. .-. .- ...- . / -.-. --- ..-. ..-. . . / .... --- ..- ... . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / .- / --. .-. . .- - / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . / - --- / ... - .- -.-- .-.-.- / - .... . / -- .- -. .- --. . .-. / .- -. -.. / .. / .- .-. . / --- -. / ..-. .. .-. ... - / -. .- -- . / -... .- ... .. ... / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. .----. ...- . / ... .--. . -. - / .- .-.. -- --- ... - / . ...- . .-. -.-- / - ..- . ... -.. .- -.-- / .- - / -.-. .-. .- ...- . .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. .-.. .- ... ... / .-- .- ... / .-.. --- -. --. / .- -. -.. / -.-. --- -. ..-. ..- ... .. -. --. / .- ... / ..- ... ..- .- .-.. .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / --- -. / - .... . / .-.. --- --- -.- --- ..- - / ..-. --- .-. / .- / .-. .- -... -... .. - / .... --- .-.. . .-.-.- / .... --- .--. . ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .. / -.-. .- -. / ..-. .. -. -.. / --- -. . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. / . .--. .. -.-. / .--. .- ... ... . ... / -- . / -... -.-- .-.-.- / .-- . .-.. .-.. / - .... .- - .----. ... / .. - .-.-.- / ... . . / -.-- .-
The Renegade Rabbit
Monday, July 6, 2009
Hello World
Hello One and All,
This is the first post of an exciting and eventful blog that will star me as your host and guide.
The Renegade Rabbit has many purposes. Mainly it will unite many parts of my life such as:
- J-Mail
- High Seas with Popeye the Sailor Man
- And my many interests
- Liberty
- Metal
- Mischief
- Technology
And for the first subject of my first post
Little Brother
This is a book that had clearly changed my life. The title is the first hint that I would like this book. I have been uncomfortable about "Big Brother" for my entire life. Reading this book was a wonderful experience because I was always taught to conform and move with society. I was told you should never question authority and never stand up. I always did question authority and stand up for myself but I saw it as a act of perversion. But enough about me.
Little Brother is about a 17 year old boy and his friends. I would call his group the new age of geeks. They are incredibly socially savy with technology. Not like the game nerds you usually see. They are masters of security and infiltration, gathering and using community to have a great time. Their main game was a ARG or Alternate Reality Game. During the playing of this game a terrorists attack occurs where they live in San Francisco. Due to the fact that the group snuck out of school they are viewed as terrorists. They are locked up for weeks and then are released. The rest of the book is about how one 17 year old throws of the shackles of an oppressive American regime
This book was written by Cory Doctorow and is open source and free to the public
Little Brother.pdf
Cory Doctorow's website, Craphound.com. Is also very good. Doctorow is a libertarian futurist and his work is phenomenal
Ok, that's the end of the first post.
I hope you enjoyed it
The Renegade Rabbit
This is the first post of an exciting and eventful blog that will star me as your host and guide.
The Renegade Rabbit has many purposes. Mainly it will unite many parts of my life such as:
- J-Mail
- High Seas with Popeye the Sailor Man
- And my many interests
- Liberty
- Metal
- Mischief
- Technology
And for the first subject of my first post
Little Brother
This is a book that had clearly changed my life. The title is the first hint that I would like this book. I have been uncomfortable about "Big Brother" for my entire life. Reading this book was a wonderful experience because I was always taught to conform and move with society. I was told you should never question authority and never stand up. I always did question authority and stand up for myself but I saw it as a act of perversion. But enough about me.
Little Brother is about a 17 year old boy and his friends. I would call his group the new age of geeks. They are incredibly socially savy with technology. Not like the game nerds you usually see. They are masters of security and infiltration, gathering and using community to have a great time. Their main game was a ARG or Alternate Reality Game. During the playing of this game a terrorists attack occurs where they live in San Francisco. Due to the fact that the group snuck out of school they are viewed as terrorists. They are locked up for weeks and then are released. The rest of the book is about how one 17 year old throws of the shackles of an oppressive American regime
This book was written by Cory Doctorow and is open source and free to the public
Little Brother.pdf
Cory Doctorow's website, Craphound.com. Is also very good. Doctorow is a libertarian futurist and his work is phenomenal
Ok, that's the end of the first post.
I hope you enjoyed it
The Renegade Rabbit
Cory Doctorow,
First Post,
Little Brother,
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